Considering a new garage door opener?

Is it time to buy a new garage door opener? If your garage door opener is old and noisy, today’s new models offer conveniences and capabilities that you probably don’t know about. Here are 5 reasons why buying a new garage door opener to replace your loud, outdated opener makes sense.

1. Noise/Vibration – Is you existing garage door opener noisy? Does the opener announce when someone opens or closes the door by rattling the walls or by sounding like a jet engine? New technology has made openers operate smoother and quieter and doesn’t disturb those in adjacent rooms.
2. Technology – Everything is getting smarter, including garage door openers. Wifi equipped models let you control them using an app as well as provide notifications when the opener is in use.
3. Lighting – Is your garage dark? New openers are equipped with LED lighting that is brighter and last longer. Motion detection is also a desirable feature – no more fumbling for a light switch.
4. Safety – If your opener is really old – manufactured before 1993 – it is not equipped with safety eyes. These sensors ensure that the door will not close on anything or worse any one. Openers can also be equipped with an automatic deadbolt for extra security.
5. Space – If overhead space is valuable or you just like the look of nothing overhead, there are options for a wall mounted opener. These openers mount on the wall next to the door and free up space for storage and reduce vibration to rooms above the garage.

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